Specialized Bipolar Disorder Treatment in Mansfield, TX - Wholesome Mind Psychiatry

At Wholesome Mind Psychiatry and Wellness Clinic in Mansfield, TX, we believe in a comprehensive understanding and care approach for Bipolar and related disorders. Dive deep into the heart of bipolar spectrum, unveil its layers, and discover how, together, we can journey towards holistic wellness.

Understanding of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).

There are several types:

Bipolar I

A diagnosis where an individual has had at least one manic episode. This might be preceded or followed by hypomanic or major depressive episodes, but the hallmark remains the manic episode.

Bipolar II

Characterized by a pattern of depressive episodes interchanged with hypomanic episodes. It lacks the full-blown manic episodes that are signature to Bipolar I.

Cyclothymic Disorder (or Cyclothymia)

A milder form of bipolar disorder that involves periods of hypomania and periods of depression. These mood swings are less severe than those in Bipolar I and II but are persistent, with symptoms lasting for two years in adults and one year in children and adolescents.

Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (BP-NOS)

Diagnosed when symptoms of the illness exist but do not meet diagnostic criteria for either bipolar I or II. However, the symptoms are clearly out of the person’s normal range of behavior.

​During these episodes, individuals might experience intense emotional states:


A state of heightened emotion, mania is more than just feeling good. It’s a hyperactive phase where individuals may feel an intense surge of energy, overconfidence, or even irritability. This phase is so overpowering that it can interfere with one’s daily activities, sometimes leading to risky behaviors or decisions. Episodes typically last a week or more.


Hypomania, often seen as the lesser intense sibling of mania, carries many of the same characteristics but to a lesser degree. Though it might sound manageable or even beneficial to some, it’s not without its challenges. Lasting around four days, those in a hypomanic state may feel good and be highly productive, but to those around them, changes in behavior are often evident. It’s crucial to note that this phase doesn’t escalate to the full-blown mania or psychotic episodes, but it can precede or follow a major depressive episode.


In stark contrast to the highs, the depressive phase engulfs one in a cloud of sadness, hopelessness, or a stark lack of interest in most activities. This isn’t a mere day of feeling blue; it’s a persistent shadow that lingers, affecting one’s ability to function for weeks at a time.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

The manifestation of bipolar disorder varies among individuals, but common indicators during episodes include:

  • Mania and hypomania are two distinct types of episodes, but they have the same symptoms. Mania is more severe than hypomania and causes more noticeable problems at work, school and social activities, as well as relationship difficulties. Mania may also trigger a break from reality (psychosis) and require hospitalization.​

    • Decreased SleepNot just reduced hours, but a diminished need for sleep. An individual might feel extremely energized even after just a couple of hours of rest.

    • Elevated Self-EsteemThis can escalate to a level of grandiosity, where one might feel invincible or possess special powers or abilities.

    • Rapid Speech or Racing Thoughts: A whirlwind of ideas or thoughts, making it hard to focus on just one. Conversations might jump erratically between topics.

    • Increased DistractibilityEasily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant stimuli, which might lead to unfinished tasks.

    • Engaging in Risky BehaviorsThis includes extravagant shopping sprees, reckless driving, making impulsive decisions, or having unsafe sex.

    • Overactivity: Increased energy leading to hyperactivity, trying to take on multiple tasks at once, or pursuing grand and unrealistic projects.

  • FatigueDespite getting enough sleep, there’s a persistent feeling of tiredness or lack of energy.
  • Changes in Appetite: This can swing either way – some might find they’re not hungry and skip meals, while others might eat more than usual.
  • Sleep Disturbances: This includes trouble falling asleep, waking up frequently throughout the night, or oversleeping and still feeling tired.
  • Physical Aches Without a Clear Cause: Mysterious pains, headaches, or stomach issues that don’t seem to have a specific cause and don’t respond well to treatments.
  • Withdrawal from Social Interactions: Preferring isolation over socializing, avoiding friends, family, or social situations.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: Tasks that once seemed simple can become challenging. This can manifest as trouble focusing on a book, difficulty completing tasks, or being easily distracted.
  • Irritability: A shorter temper than usual, being easily frustrated or angered.
  • Substance Abuse: Using alcohol, drugs, or other substances as a way to self-medicate or escape from the feelings.

Causes of Bipolar Disorder and Risk Factors

While the exact origins remain uncertain, evidence suggests multiple causes:

Genetic Predisposition: A strong family history of bipolar disorder or other mood disorders can increase an individual’s likelihood of developing the condition. It’s not uncommon for those with the disorder to have a close relative, like a sibling or parent, with similar or related mental health disorders. However, it’s worth noting that many people with a family history never develop bipolar disorder, and conversely, many without a family history do.

Neurological FactorsAdvances in neuroimaging have unveiled potential irregularities in the brain structure or function of those with bipolar disorder. Certain imbalances in neurotransmitters, the brain’s chemical messengers, could also play a role. While these findings are illuminating, they don’t conclusively determine causality but rather highlight a possible biological link.

Environmental Triggers: Situational factors can act as triggers or exacerbators. Traumatic events, significant life changes, or extended periods of stress might precipitate the onset of bipolar disorder in susceptible individuals. This also encompasses substance abuse, which can both precipitate and exacerbate mood episodes.

Hormonal ImbalancesDisruptions in hormonal balance, possibly arising from thyroid or adrenal gland issues, have been associated with the onset or worsening of bipolar symptoms.

Medications and Drugs: The misuse of certain drugs, or even the intake of some prescription medicines, can lead to the manifestation of bipolar symptoms or complicate its management.

Note: Recognizing that bipolar disorder arises from a blend of intrinsic and extrinsic factors underscores the importance of holistic approaches in both understanding and managing the condition.

​​Treatment of Bipolar Disorder and Management

​Bipolar disorder is manageable, and our clinic, Wholesome Mind Psychiatry and Wellness Clinic, provides holistic treatments:


Medication plays a pivotal role in stabilizing moods and preventing the extreme highs and lows associated with bipolar disorder. Commonly prescribed medications include:

  • Mood Stabilizers: These are the primary medications for bipolar disorder and include drugs like lithium, valproate, and lamotrigine. They help control or reduce the highs and lows.

  • AntipsychoticsIf mood stabilizers don’t work as a stand-alone, doctors might prescribe an antipsychotic. Examples include olanzapine, risperidone, and quetiapine.

  • Antidepressants: These can help manage depressive episodes. Sometimes they’re combined with mood stabilizers to prevent triggering a manic episode.

  • Antidepressant-antipsychoticsA combined medication like Symbyax can help treat the symptoms of both depression and mania.

  • Anti-anxiety Medications: Benzodiazepines can help with anxiety and improve sleep, but they are used on a short-term basis due to the potential for dependence.


Psychotherapy, also called “talk therapy,” can be an effective treatment for bipolar disorder when combined with medication. Common approaches include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Helps individuals recognize and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that exacerbate the condition.

  • Family-Focused Therapy: Incorporates family members to improve communication and offer support.

  • Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy: Helps individuals stabilize their daily routines and improve their relationships.

  • Psychoeducation: Teaches patients about their condition, helping them recognize signs of mood swings.

Lifestyle Adaptations

A balanced lifestyle can mitigate the severity of episodes and sometimes even prevent them. Recommendations include:

  • Regular SleepMaintaining a consistent sleep schedule is crucial.

  • Avoid Drugs and Alcohol: Substance abuse can trigger mood episodes and interfere with the effectiveness of medication.

  • Stress Management: Techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, and journaling can help manage stress.

  • Regular Physical ActivityExercise can help stabilize mood and improve overall well-being.

Stress Management

Keeping track of mood changes, triggers, and medication effects can be incredibly beneficial:

  • Mood Charting: A daily chart or diary to record mood, medication doses, sleep patterns, and significant events can provide valuable insights.

  • Early InterventionRecognizing early signs of mood swings allows for timely intervention, potentially preventing a full-blown episode.

Living with Bipolar Disorder

Understanding and managing bipolar disorder is a lifelong journey:

  • Awareness: Recognize the difference between one’s true self and the mood swings.

  • Communication: Open up to loved ones about experiences and feelings.

  • Routine: Establish a daily routine to maintain stability.

  • Crisis Planning: Have a plan for when symptoms intensify.

Discover a Balanced Life with Wholesome Mind Psychiatry and Wellness Clinic

Don’t navigate the complexities of Bipolar and Related Disorders alone. Our clinic in Mansfield, TX, is here to support and guide you. Contact us today for personalized, compassionate care tailored to your needs.